Reintroducing Our Newest Glaze Addition: Yellow Ochre!

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Reintroducing Our Newest Glaze Addition: Yellow Ochre!



Yellow represents happiness, joy, summer days, and warmth. In our studio, yellow  was a color of utter confusion that always felt like it fell short of our expectations. Don’t get me wrong, we LOVE the color, but yellow can be tough to attain in the ceramics world. Despite the challenges to get our perfect color, we persisted by combining browns, oranges, greens, and reds until we got the perfect tone of yellow. 

After our 3rd attempt of trying various combinations of colors, we thought to try one thing we had overlooked, and that is to add our original yellow ochre color to the current clay body. We glazed a plate to test, and the next day, as we opened the kiln, we saw it. It was the perfect shade of yellow, with hints of burnt umber speckles. This was the one we had been looking for.



 We all have our preferences and the way we perceive how color is relative to a viewers age, gender, culture, generation, etc. But tell me that new Yellow doesn’t remind you of maís, or fields of daisies. Maybe it reminds you of your own experience. Let us know below.